Week1A: My Blog Theme

The reason I chose galaries as my theme because I have a strong fondness for anything ocean or beach theme. Each time I think about the ocean, I get this amazing relaxing feeling that puts me at ease knowing that I am away from all the noise I dealt with everyday so the ocean is my theme

This is one of the photos I've taken when I was at Oceanside where the area had an easier access to unlike most beaches I'd attended in the past and present. I love going to this place as I can get to enjoy the wonders and the sunset for going to such a place. Unlike most beaches, this is the most common place to visit but it is the most well known of them all.

I remember when I first visit this place on my own for the first time, I would be amazed by it as I used to take the train going to Oceanside when I started attending MiraCosta college 11 years ago. Before I get into the train back home, I would make a brief stop at the beach where I can stare at a sunset and enjoy the cool breeze on my face and smell the sweet sea scent.


  1. What's up JP. That a good background and I like how you added the water. I agree with you on that part of being able to relax at the beach and enjoy the sound of waves. I live literally like 5 minutes away from the beach. I like to go out for runs at night and enjoy the nice breeze. I'm born and raised in Oceanside and at this point I don't think I would be able to settle down in any other place. I can truly say Oceanside is my home town for good. I hope you still get to enjoy the beach, peaceful sounds, and sweet sea scent still.

  2. JP, I really like how you added a photo to your first blog and made it more personal to yourself. The story at the end of your blog adds to your personality and lets us, as a reader, know a bit more of an insight to you.

  3. wow absolutely amazing kudos to you we should do tea and crumpets sometime thanks buddy


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